Lacs of candidates compete to be a part of coveted IIT,NITs and other engineering colleges across the nation and JEE becomes the battleground for that. There are two levels of the JEE exam—JEE Main and JEE Advanced. Aspirations of becoming engineers can be transformed into reality by appearing in this examination, that too with a full-fledged plan of action which should subsume various aspects: Syllabus, patterns, important dates, topics,etc. To save you all the time and hard work, we are hereby providing you with a complete guide to JEE and what all you need to know in 2020.
Before getting down to the brass tacks, let's ponder over these crucial pointers:
Important dates for JEE Main Registration 2020:
What is the eligibility for B.Tech/B.E. JEE Main exam 2020?
Candidates who have appeared and qualified intermediate examination (PCM) or equivalent exams in the year 2018 or 2019 along with those appearing in the said exams of the year 2020 are eligible to appear in B.Tech/B.E. However, those who have qualified the exams of 2017 or before are not eligible. Furthermore, there is no restriction based on age whatsoever.
Who all can appear for B.Arch/B.Planning JEE Main exam 2020? With effect from the year 2020, NTA has started a separate test for B.Planning. B. Planning stands for Bachelor of Planning. From the preparation point of view, the official website provides sample papers. Coming back to the points of discussion—the one we were talking about—all those students who have qualified intermediate in any stream but have cleared Mathematics with 50 percent of marks in aggregate can apply. And this implies that commerce or Arts students—with Mathematics as a subject—can also appear for B.Planning, JEE Main 2020!What will be the JEE Main paper pattern in 2020?
There would be three parts of the exam: Part 1 having PCM for engineering aspirants whereas Part 2 is for those preparing for Architecture or Bachelor of Planning. It has to be noted that there will be separate exams for Bachelor of Architecture and Bachelor of Planning in Part 2 of JEE Main. With NTA being the conducting body, a lot of things changed: The fee structure, the means of conducting the exam and finally, the pattern.
In JEE Main paper pattern in 2020 will have:
Part 2 (For B.Arch aspirants only):
Part 2 (For B.Planning aspirants only):
What subjects constitute the JEE Main syllabus 2020?
It is well understood that the JEE Main syllabus includes the trio of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics but what matters is to know what topics are integrated within the subject. Here's presenting you with the complete JEE Main syllabus given by JEE Main NTA. .
PART 1--Syllabus for B.Tech students:
Mathematics encompasses a plethora of topics. This includes topics such as Sets, Relations and Functions, Complex numbers and quadratic equations, Matrices and Determinants, Permutations and combinations, Binomial theorem and its simple applications, Sequence and series, Integral Calculus, Limit, continuity and differentiability, Coordinate geometry, Three Dimensional Geometry, Vector Algebra, Statistics and Probability, Trigonometry, Mathematical reasoning, Differential equations, Mathematical Induction.
An integral part of engineering, physics has a heavy weightage in every exam pertinent to engineering—and in JEE exams as well. The topics include Physics and Measurement, Work Energy and Power, Rotational Motion, Properties of Solids and Liquids, Kinetic Theory of Gases, Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating currents, Experimental skills, Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Gravitation, Thermodynamics, Oscillations and Waves, Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism, Electromagnetic Waves, Optics, Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation, Atoms and Nuclei, Electronic Devices, Communication Systems.
Chemistry is another eminent element in engineering and hence it forms a larger part of the syllabus—around 28 topics altogether. Comprising topics such as some basic concepts in chemistry, States of Matter, Atomic Structure, Solutions, Chemical Thermodynamics, Equilibrium, Redox Reaction and Electrochemistry, Chemical kinetics, Surface Chemistry, General Principle and process of Isolation of Metals, Classification of Elements and Periodic table, Hydrogen, p- Block Elements, S - Block Elements Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, d - and f - BLOCK ELEMENTS, Coordination Compounds, Environmental Chemistry, Purification and Characterisation of Organic Compounds, Some Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry, Hydrocarbons, Organic Compounds containing Halogens, Organic Compounds containing Oxygen, Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen, Polymers, Biomolecules, Chemistry in Everyday Life, and Principles Related to Practical Chemistry.
PART 2 (For B.Arch/B.Planning aspirants)
So, the Aptitude Syllabus for B.Arch/B. Planning as given on the official site is as follows:
Planning based question (For B.Planning section 3 only):
In which language(s) JEE Main 2020 question paper will be available?
In the year 2020, there will be numerous centers across the country along with one overseas in the USA. Consequently, the location of the centers affects the language status of the test. Candidates are liberal to choose between Hindi and English. However, those appearing from any JEE Main center of Gujarat, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli will be liberal to choose among English, Hindi, and Gujarati.
How to prepare for JEE Main 2020 exam?
Taking one criteria at a time, we have managed to guide you on various steps. We believe that the very first step of any sort of preparation is to know the syllabus and pattern of the exam. And with the resources provided above, we have thoroughly checked them. The next step which remains unnoticed is mentioned hereafter.
JEE Main Question Paper
To score well in the exam, you need to first go through the history of the exam. By just appearing in the exam without having the gist of it, would be a blunder. Consequently, to avoid the same go through the previous JEE main question papers. We do agree that a lot of things changed in 2020 but at least the subjects are the same and the syllabus is more or less similar. Now, the previous year exam papers are present on the official website. So, just follow this link for NTA online Mock Tests. Those candidates who are deprived of any electronic means or internet connectivity can now take help from NTA. There are special Testing Centers across the nation where students can take the JEE Main Mock test and prepare in a better way.
The next level: JEE Advanced 2020
Imagine you have qualified the JEE Main exam! But will you still be able to hit the nail; (which is securing a seat in a prestigious college)? No, you are still a step away. So, here's the key to qualify—JEE Advanced 2020. JEE Advanced is only for Engineering aspirants. For B.Arch and B.Planning there is a similar yet different test called JEE Advanced AAT (Architecture Aptitude Test). It is also conducted by IITs and it includes only the Aptitude test. JEE Advanced AAT will be conducted next year in June. Now coming back to JEE Advanced, you need to ponder over these features.
JEE Advanced 2020 important points to note:
JEE Advanced 2020 Date:
Since there hasn't been any official notification from the agency yet, every date is tentative. So, mentioned below are the tentative dates for JEE Advanced 2020:
Who all are eligible for appearing in this exam?
As mentioned earlier, the top 2, 50,000 students who qualify JEE Main will be able to make it to this level. All those candidates who were born in Oct 1993 or after are eligible for taking this test. However, the number of attempts does matter here because one cannot appear for the test for the third consecutive year.
What will be the JEE Advanced syllabus 2020? This exam encapsulates three domains: Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics. IIT Delhi, which is the conducting body for JEE Advanced 2020, has not yet released the official syllabus for the exam. Just like JEE Mains, the pattern can be somewhat different but the syllabus will be more or less the same. So, it is advised that if you want to start preparing for it, just go through the previous year's syllabus. IIT Roorkee conducted the test last year and hence you can just follow their website to get the details. At present, the candidates just have to wait for the authorities to give away the dates and details.
What will be the JEE Advanced Pattern 2020?
Unlike JEE Main Exam, this does not have a clear format. There is no standard structure as of now. Like said earlier, with different conducting bodies, the patterns and syllabi change. For your convenience, we have arranged a few yet important pointers for JEE Advanced:
JEE Advanced Preparation Tips:
It is a stiff competition out there and you need to be thoroughly prepared to face it. If you think JEE Main is a hard nut to crack, oh God, this can become harder. But as they say, where there is a will, there is a way. You can do this given that you are fully dedicated. Just like JEE Main exam, you need to just focus on the pattern, syllabus, and timings of the exam.
According to the exam, these are some preparation tips:
Counseling and seat allotment:
It all starts with aspiration. If you want to be seated in one of the best Engineering colleges in India, you need to start with JEE Main Exam. Now, JEE Main exam's cutoff varies every year and the candidates get admission according to that. The top 2.5 Lac candidates get elevated to JEE Advanced. Those who have secured marks above than cutoff marks will make the qualifying rank which means they have cracked the exam. Now those cracking JEE Advanced get to have access to JoSAA (Joint Seat Allocation Authority) and thereby get to start with the counseling process. By registering on JoSAA, students can initiate the process. However, this is just the beginning and will be followed by choice filling, mock allotment and many more.
Having dived deep into the facts and information, you must plan your preparation in a systematic method. Be proactive and always remember to stay ahead of the race for it helps you in the long run. See, crammers don't make winners; learners do. Be free to ask elders, teachers or any experienced people for guidance for they can add more to your knowledge. And always remember to study judiciously. With all this information, clear vision and diligence, you will surely be able to crack this. However, if you--by any chance--fail in this whole endeavour, there is no need to feel distressed. There are some of the best engineering colleges in India which keeps you ahead of the game. They provide world class opportunities:Placements, Internships, International exposure, etc. Chandigarh Group of Colleges, Landran is one such college which falls in this category and hence you can get yourself enrolled. Stay informed, stay ahead. All the best!