Expert Talk

Expert Talk

An Expert Talk was organized for B. Tech. CSE /IT (2nd semester) students of CEC by Department of Applied Science on 12th March 2019 in which Prof. (Dr.) K.S. Viswanathan delivered a talk on “Optical Spectroscopy”
The lecture was attended by more than 150 students of B-Tech. CSE/IT, 2nd semester. The main emphasis of the lecture was on proper understanding of Molecular Structure, vibtation, electronic transitions within molecule and determination of functionality. The resource person of this expert talk was Dr. K.S. Viswanathan, Professor in Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali. Dr K. S. Viswanathan has won many awards and published numerous scholarly papers in national and international journals. His key areas of interest include IR Spectroscopy for the study of conformations, non-covalent interactions, fluorescence spectroscopy of lanthanides and actinides, Laser indused breakdown spectroscopy.
This lecture was able to demonstrate the basics of infrared spectroscopy and ultra-violet spectroscopy. The session was very interactive and furnished valuable knowledge to the students.