The Best College for Bakery & Confectionery Diploma in Mohali,Punjab

Diploma in Bakery and Confectionery is an 18 months full-time program. The program, through rigorous teaching and training sessions, helps in making the students adept in hospitality services. The diploma is a niche that has been incorporated under the head of hotel management and hospitality. Although it is on similar lines of food production yet it is different.

How has CGC managed to join the group of Top Colleges For Bakery and Confectionery Course?

Under this program, the curriculum particularly caters to the needs of the bakery and confectionery segment of the hospitality industry. The first twelve months of the program comprises of periodic tutorials and practical classes followed by a twenty-four-week long internship. Assimilating the quintessential skills related to the baking and confectionery field, we have become the best Diploma in Bakery & Confectionery college in Chandigarh, Punjab!